Immer wieder taucht die Frage auf, an welchem Datum die heidnischen Jahresfeste gefeiert werden.Während die Daten der Sonnenfeste (Sonnenwende und Tagundnachtgleiche) z.B. bei wikipedia nachgeschaut werden können, ist bei den Mondfesten die Verwirrung größer.
Die Mondfeste berechnen sich wie folgt:
- Imbolc – 2. Vollmond
- Beltane – 5. Vollmond
- Lammas – 8. Vollmond
- Samhain – 11. Neumond
Hier findest du eine Tabelle mit den Daten der Jahreskreisfeste von 2010-2014. Die Daten gelten für die Mitteleuropäische Zeitzone; die Daten in anderen Zeitzonen können sich um einen Tag verschieben.
Again and again the questions pops up, when to celebrate the pagan holidays. While the sunbased holidays (solstice and equinox) can be looked up, i.e. on wikipedia, the moonbased holidays tend to confuse people.
The moonbased holidays are as such:
- Imbolc – 2. Vollmond
- Beltane – 5. Vollmond
- Lammas – 8. Vollmond
- Samhain – 11. Neumond
Here you can download a table with dates of all pagan holidays 2010-2014. The dates are calculated for Central European Time (CET); dates for other timezones have to be adjusted.
are the pagan holidays the same in Australia. I have always wondered, because a friend said Halloween should be at a different time of the year in the southern hemisphere.
Hi Tammy,
I would think, that the holidays in Australia can be celebrated by date – you have Christmas in december anyway. That would be the easiest solution and you could celebrate with US and Europe.
If you want to be “correct” as related to summer and winter, you will have the summersolstice in December, the wintersolstice in June – and equinoxes would shift as well.
For the moon-based holidays you will have to check, because the can be a day or so different – depending what exact timezone you are in.
The second way is “out of tune” with a lot of people, but makes sense. You would then have Halloween/Samhain at the beginning of the darker season and at the end of earth’s natural cycle (when all is harvested and the winter rest begins).
Hope this helps.
Greetings from Germany